Thalapathy Vijay and Rashmika Mandanna are currently on a promotional spree for their upcoming film Varisu which is slated to release on January 12, 2023. Last month, the makers had dropped the first single from director Vamshi Paidipally’s bilingual Ranjithame which became an instant hit among the viewers. At the audio launch at Varisu, Vijay left Rashmika blushing with his impromptu rendition of Ranjithame on stage.
In the video shared by the official Twitter handle of the South Indian International Film Awards (SIIMA), Vijay was seen singing Ranjithame and the superstar also performed the step of the song. Rashmika couldn’t stop blushing as Viijay performed on stage. The video went viral on social media platforms.
#ThalapathyVijay sings #Ranjitham song from #Varisu at #VarisuAudioLaunch , #RashmikaMandana react in a super cute way?✨@iamRashmika #Thalapaathy67 #Thalapathy #Rashmika pic.twitter.com/pQm3jNBQek
— SIIMA (@siima) December 25, 2022
In another video, Rashmika was seen getting confused as the audience created a frenzy in the hall as Vijay walked down the stage and looked at the huge crowd. Rashmika was seen smiling and shaking her head to match the mood of the audience. People took out their cell phones and lit up the whole place with their flashlights. The view was certainly breathtaking.
Rashmika’s reaction after witnessing the frenzy of fans when #ThalapathyVijay
come in come to the stage ❤️?#VarisuAudioLaunch #Varisu #Talapathy67 pic.twitter.com/u3NgeE6yuM— OTVF™ (@otvfofficial) December 25, 2022
Talking about the Varisu Ranjithame song, the tune master S. Thaman delivered a very energetic tap number. Vijay himself has sung the song along with MM Manasi. Rashmika looks stunning in the song. The setting and backgrounds look vibrant and lush. She has danced to the peppy number along with Tamil star Vijay on screen.
Apart from Vijay and Rashmika, Varisu, which is slated to hit the screens for Pongal next year, will also feature Prabhu, Sarath Kumar, Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Srikanth, Shaam, Yogi Babu, Sangeetha and Samyuktha among others.
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