A high-octane action-drama, Vedaa recently commenced its shoot in Rajasthan. Eyeing a theatrical window in 2024, the movie is said to feature never-before seen sequences, in Advani’s characteristic story-telling craft. The film stars John Abraham & Sharvari Wagh. And now, they welcome a special addition to the cast, Tamannaah Bhatia, in a crucial role, outlining an important arc of the movie.

Tamannaah Bhatia joins John Abraham in Nikkhil Advani’s Vedaa

Excited about the collaboration, Tamannaah says, “I’ve always admired the way Nikkhil tells his stories. He has a knack and this ability of his is extremely endearing. John and I also get to work together for the first time ever. It definitely will be exciting to see what my character will bring in!”

Maintaining a tight lip about her role, Nikkhil says, “Tamannaah has always given sensational performances. When I approached her to play this special role, I was delighted that she immediately trusted my vision for this film. My team & I are thrilled to have her with us.”

Vedaa is directed by Nikkhil Advani and written by Aseem Arora and is produced by Zee Studios, Emmay Entertainment, and JA Entertainment.

ALSO READ: Vijay Varma reacts to girlfriend Tamannaah Bhatia and Rajinikanth’s performance in the song ‘Kaavaalaa’; calls her ‘Cinema Goddess’

More Pages: Vedaa Box Office Collection


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