Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 pair Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani have reunited for Satyaprem Ki Katha. The on-screen couple launched their latest track ‘Sun Sajni’, a garba dance number in Mumbai. At the launch, several fans were in attendance who cheered for them. Some were even screaming “I Love You” at Kartik.

‘Sun Sajni’ Song Launch: Kartik Aaryan on complexities of love, “Pyaar kitna bhi mile kam hai”

Talking about the immense love and appreciation, Kartik Aaryan said, “Pyaar kitna bhi mile kam hai…So I think woh wali feeling hai.”

Previously, the makers released three songs – ‘Naseeb Se’, ‘Aaj Ke Baad’ and a dance number ‘Gujju Pataka’.  ‘Sun Sajni’ is the fourth song from the music album of the upcoming movie.

Satyaprem Ki Katha also marks a collaboration between NGE and Namah Pictures. Interestingly, Sajid Nadiadwala and Shareen Mantri Kedia with Kishor Arora & director Sameer Vidwans won a National Award for their respective feature films. The movie will be released in theaters on June 29, 2023.

ALSO READ: Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan groove to Garba at the song launch of Satyaprem Ki Katha

More Pages: Satyaprem Ki Katha Box Office Collection


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