The first look of The Archies received a lot of negative reactions from netizens and was accused of nepotism for casting Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor as the leading ladies in this ensemble film. While fans of Suhana and Khushi celebrated that finally these two beauties are ready to make their Bollywood debut. The internet criticized the makers for choosing children Suhana and Kushi. While the girls’ family members were extremely happy as they took the first step towards their big dream. Janhvi Kapoor’s Shah Rukh Khan wrote a long and emotional note for them.
The sun is up, the news is out! Come meet your new friends.
Introducing the cast of The Archies, directed by the fantastic Zoya Akhtar. pic.twitter.com/vOtm29V0gP— Netflix India (@NetflixIndia) May 14, 2022
A new virus is coming, I hope you all get your vaccines on time?#KhushiKapoor #Suhanakhan #Archie pic.twitter.com/HAqSl7lZmk— Rahul Mittal (@RahulBaba1014) May 14, 2022
There’s a reason their last names are underlined:#Archie #Nepotism pic.twitter.com/Cdr91xtAm3
— Sarcastic Being (@sarcasticbeingg) May 18, 2022
Barbados from childhood ️ #Teenager #Archie #Nepotism pic.twitter.com/SqE0o9fIkk
— minikothari (@_minikothari) May 14, 2022
The Nepotism Multiverse. ?
— $? (@Sonukum21424448) May 14, 2022
Casting director Nandita Srikent reacts to the nepotism debate that started after the first viewing of the film
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