Bigg Boss 16 returned to TV screens on October 1. The show has already started making headlines with contestants like filmmaker Sajid Khan. After pictures of the circus-themed Big Boss 16 house made the rounds on social media, a new video taking fans inside the accommodation of Bigg Boss host Salman Khan was shared online. The actor, who returned for hosting duties on season 16 of the reality show, stays in a mini mansion of his own, while he shoots for some weekly episodes of the show on Colors TV. Also read: Bigg Boss 16 house will blow your mind with its very colourful, circus-inspired theme
Salman’s stylist and designer Ashley Rebello took to Instagram on Thursday to give a tour of the actor’s home away from home as he filmed Big Boss 16. While the circus-themed Bigg Boss 16 house has been designed by filmmaker Omung Kumar and his wife Vanitha, it is not known who designed Salman’s Bigg Boss ‘home’. The actor has been hosting Bigg Boss since season 4, barring season 5, which actor Sanjay Dutt had hosted. Previous Bigg Boss seasons were hosted by Arshad Warsi, Shilpa Shetty and Amitabh Bachchan.
The video opened with a view of a garden with an outdoor dining area, a fountain and a gazebo with a chandelier and some sofas before giving a glimpse of Salman’s private gym and spacious living room. Next, Salman’s bedroom, complete with a clothes rack featuring formal outfits for the actor, likely for his appearance on the show, were seen. Like the living room, the bedroom, too, featured massive photos of Salman Khan on walls. While the space does not scream glitz and glamour like the Bigg Boss 16 house for the contestants, with its animal wall hangings and a carousal-themed dining table, Salman’s ‘chalet’ does not lack in amenities and looks comfortable and inviting.
Sharing the video, Ashley wrote in the caption, “As promised every year, I take you on a trip to Salman Khan’s chalet at the Big Boss house, the gym, the house, the clothes rack. Enjoy the view.” Reacting to the video, a fan commented, “Thank you Big Boss for the superb accommodation for our charming, handsome, hardworking megastar Salman Khan.” Another one said, “Love you for this amazing room tour.” One also commented, “I want all those clothes.”
Sajid Khan, Tina Dutta, Sreejita, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, and Sumbul Touqeer are some of the contestants on the show hosted by Salman Khan. MC Stan, actors Ankit and Priyanka, boxer Abdu Rozik, politician Archana Gautam are also seen on Bigg Boss 16.
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