This morning, we all woke up with the news that Shakti Kapoor’s son and Shraddha Kapoor’s brother Siddhanth Kapoor was detained in Bengaluru after the actor was allegedly caught consuming drugs at a party on Sunday night. Dr. Bheemashankar S. Guled, DCP, East division, Bengaluru City told ANI, “Siddhanth Kapoor has tested positive for drugs. He has been brought to Ulsoor Police Station.” Now, Shatrughan Sinha’s son and Sonakshi Sinha’s brother, Luv Sinha has reacted to it. He took to Twitter to share his point of view.
In a thread, Luv Sinha tweeted, “I won’t comment on #SiddhanthKapoor but I would like to know that If our respected officials are as efficient as they would like us to believe then how is drug use rampant amongst the elite, the underprivileged, the youth, and so easy to buy. Selectively highlighting the arrest of an individual seems like an effort to show that they are doing their job, instead of actually doing it.” Check out the tweets below…
Selectively highlighting the arrest of an individual seems like an effort to show that they are doing their job, instead of actually doing it. I’m against the consumption of drugs, but until the rot in the justice system has been cleaned up things won’t improve. Arrest the
— Luv S Sinha (@LuvSinha) June 13, 2022
producers, dealers and not just the users who may get addicted to a substance which can affect their lives negatively and has an impact on so many others indirectly. I hope that my friend Siddhant comes out of this stronger and wiser.
— Luv S Sinha (@LuvSinha) June 13, 2022
In 2020, after Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise, Shraddha Kapoor was also summoned by NCB. Reportedly, during questioning, the actress had denied consuming drugs.
Earlier, many celebs like Bharti Singh, Haarsh Limbachiyaa, Rhea Chakraborty, Aryan Khan, and others were arrested in the drug probe. Last year, Aryan Khan was arrested by NCB after he was caught at an alleged rave party. However, recently, the star kid got a clean chit.
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