Singer Stebin Ben who is well known for some of his notable songs like Pyaar Karte Ho Na, Baarish Ban Jaana, Afsos Karoge, Baarish among others, has been making headlines for quite some time now for his rumoured relationship with Kriti Sanon’s sister, Nupur Sanon.
The duo sparked their dating rumours after their New Year 2022 post went viral on social media. After this, they were spotted hanging out with each other on numerous occasions, leaving fans curious about what was brewing between the two. Recently, Stebin Ben cleared the air around his rumoured relationship with Nupur Sanon and made an interesting revelation on the same.
Stebin Ben opens up about his relationship status
In a recent interaction with the Hindustan Times, singer Stebin Ben clarified his relationship status with Nupur Sanon. While talking to the portal, Ben revealed that he has always been a ‘non-controversial’ person and stays far away from complications in his life. When asked about his relationship status, the ace singer did not answer the question directly but he indirectly hinted that currently, all his focus is on his career now.
Adding to this, Ben said:
“There’s a lot of time for me to get into my personal space. It’s just the beginning of my career. I’m keeping my personal life very simple and not complicated. (It’s more like) Let’s be good friends, understand each other, and let’s see where life takes you. Honestly, I’m still focused on my career. I want to settle myself and then when I’m satisfied with my career then I‘ll think about my personal life.”
Upon being asked whether he is single or not, Stebin Ben once again dodged the question and replied, “Till the time I don’t get married, I’m single. I’m in a happy zone. I’m understanding the space of what it is to be single and what it is to be committed.”
Finally, when asked about his rumoured relationship with Nupur Sanon, Stebin Ben cleared the air and said, “I’m not seeing Nupur Sanon. We are family to each other. We talk every day and feel both of our careers have started so we are focusing on our careers. That is why we are friends and buddies on the internet.”
Stebin Ben and Nupur Sanon on the professional front
On the work front, Stebin Ben recently released his romantic single Tutt Gaya featuring Shantanu Maheshwari and Ashnoor Kaur. The song is composed by Gourov Dasgupta, with lyrics by Kunwar Juneja and sung by Stebin Ben. Nupur, on the other hand, is gearing up for her Bollywood debut with Noorani Chehra alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
(Image: @nupursanon/Instagram)
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