Together with Akshay Kumar‘c Ram Sethu, Ajay Devgn and Siddharth Malhotra lead Thank goodness also released in cinemas. The film released on Tuesday, breaking the norm of big Friday releases. This is because of the extended holidays of Diwali 2022. Although the film was mired in controversies before its release, it seems that the viewers are happy with the film. Going by the reaction on Twitter, it looks like the Sidharth Malhotra, Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet starrer has managed to win over the audience. On Twitter, Slava Bogu receives mostly positive feedback from viewers.
Here’s what netizens are saying about Thank God
The reaction on Twitter is that Siddharth Malhotra is very impressive in the film. This is Siddharth’s first foray into the comedy genre and his fans seem to have had a blast. There are a few who are not so happy about Ajay Devgn’s Thank God. However, many call it family entertainment and a one time watch movie. Check out the tweets below:
This Superstar Ajay Devgn, Sid Malhotra and Rakul Preet Isa Family Entertainer for Diwali
laugh hard and learn #Thank goodness at every stage of life #ajaydevgan #AjayDevgn #RakulPreetSingh #Twitter— Pranay Hardas (@pranay_hardas) October 25, 2022
Family entertainer
Comedy Emotion Love Superb⭐⭐⭐⭐@ajaydevgn @SidMalhotra @Rakulpreet
— Yug Yadav (@Yug87718417) October 25, 2022
I was just watching #Thank goodness
Overall a cool comedy movie with some emotional twist! #SiddharthMalhotra shine in this movie! A beautifully portrayed sinful common man with flaws.
The script of the movie was too fast, the movie rushed towards the end
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️— Priyanka Paltan (@iamfluxxii) October 25, 2022
I am literally impressed with the acting skills of @SidMalhotra . He’s a fantastically funny guy #Thank goodness
— Samrat (@imtAviii) October 25, 2022
#Thank goodness Super fantastic artist @SidMalhotra
Super handsome boy in bollywood— Bharat (@Bharatmaataa) October 25, 2022
One word – SHADOW!#AjayDevgan he just read the script with no expressions except his eyes! #SiddharthMalhotra you can choose a better script!#RakulPreetSingh decent!The movie teaches you the meaning of karma and how life is a devil!
#Thank goodness— Krish (@Krish71615012) October 25, 2022
Well, with the positive reviews coming in, Sidharth Malhotra, Ajay Devgn and the team of Thank God can breathe a sigh of relief.
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