Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin fans are excited to see actor Siddharth Bodke aka Jagtap in Drishyam 2. He plays the role of David Braganza who plays a very important role in the story. Speaking to Bollywood Life, Siddharth Bodke said, “So, a year ago after the pandemic, I got a call from Vicky Siddana’s casting agency. I went there and auditioned for a few roles. I first auditioned for the role of the shadow cop, but later I was told to audition for one more role. Later they said you were better in that role, which turned out to be more interesting. That’s how I got the role in Drishyam 2, through an audition.”
Siddharth Bodke said it was special as it was his Bollywood debut. This is his first Hindi film. Plus, it’s a Drishyam with its own legacy and goodwill. “My excitement is twofold. Honestly, I didn’t watch the original Drishyam when it released in 2015,” he told us. He says a friend of his who was a big fan of the film made him watch it a month before he auditioned for Drishyam 2. He says the friend was a big fan and watched the film ten times.
Siddharth Bodke has some key scenes with Ajay Devgn, Akshaye Khanna and Tabu in the film. He says he wasn’t nervous, but excited beyond measure. He told us, “Tabu Ma’am, Akshaye Khanna or Ajay Devgn are legends in their field. I was excited to do scenes with them. The reason they are legends is because of their perspective on their craft. When you work with them in a scene, you will see that they are very cooperative. When they perform, they’re very collaborative.”
Siddharth Bodke said he would watch their close-ups just to see how amazing they were. “I feel very lucky. I am also overwhelmed by the love shown by the fans of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. They tagged me saying they will watch me in Drishyam 2,” he says.
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