Shanaya Kapoor is among the most popular star kids in the tinsle town of Bollywood. Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor’s elder daughter Shanaya will soon make her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar-backed Bedhadak. However, the young woman is already a sensation on social media, much before her big-screen debut. Shanaya is quite active on Instagram and treats her many followers to sneak peeks into her life through pictures and videos. From stunning photoshoots to goofy pictures with her close friends, she shares quite a lot on her Instagram space. Keeping up with this trajectory, she posted a slew of selfies on the ‘gram. Ananya Panday, Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor have reacted to her post.
A few hours back, Shanaya took to the photo-and-video-sharing site and dropped a few selfies looking gorgeous in an orange outfit. She showcased the stunning city skyline behind her, as she smiled for the pictures. Her hair was left open, and she sported a subtle and glowing makeup look. She captioned the post, “Aaj main upar aasmaan neeche,” followed by a slew of emojis.
As soon as she posted these photos, the post was flooded with likes and comments. Among others, Shanaya’s close friends Ananya Panday, Janhvi Kapoor, and Khushi Kapoor also liked the pictures. Ananya also left a comment, which read, “hectic “.
Take a look at Shanaya Kapoor’s post:
Shanaya Kapoor will be soon making her Bollywood debut in Bedhadak. She will be sharing screen space with Lakshya Lalwani and Gurfateh Pirzada in the Shashank Khaitan directorial. Backed by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, the characters of the movie were introduced by the filmmaker on his social media space earlier this year.
ALSO READ: Shanaya Kapoor dishes out major wanderlust vibes as she rides a desert bike in latest post; WATCH
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