Jersey starring Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur got off to a slow start at the movies. It made Rs 3.75 crores on Friday. But the silver lining was that people who saw the movie loved the performances of Shahid Kapoor – Pankaj Kapur and the high emotional quotient of the film. As per Ramesh Bala, the movie has made Rs 5. 50 crores at the box office. This is a definite increase. As per experts, it can be better or stay stable as the film looks like one with a loyal audience. On the other hand, KGF 2 made Rs 17. 50 crores on its second Saturday. The film is a monster hit.
Early estimates for Apr 23rd – Saturday .. Hindi
All-India Nett:
1. # KGFChapter2 – ₹ 17.50 Crs
2. #Jersey – 50 5.50 Crs
– Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) April 24, 2022
Jersey was initially supposed to release on Christmas 2021. However, the pandemic forced a delay. Many feel the movie suffered because the makers did not plan a better release. The second date was April 14, 2022 the same one as Thalapathy Vijay’s Beast, and Yash’s KGF 2. But then the date moved to April 22 as the movie got caught in a plagiarism case. After the Court gave the ruling in favor of the makers, Jersey got a release.
Jersey is the Hindi remake of the Telugu movie of the same name. The director is the same for the two films. Shraddha Srinath played the female lead in the Telugu movie, and it is Mrunal Thakur in the Hindi version. Nani was the male lead. Jersey is made on a very tight budget. The film has recovered money from satellite and digital rights.
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