Shah Rukh Khan was spotted in the city once again as he was leaving for the shoot of his next film Dunki. The actor was papped by the shutterbug at the private airport where he was once again seen hiding his face under the umbrella leaving his fans wondering if he doesn’t want to reveal his Dunki look helmed by Rajkummar Hirani. Well, this isn’t the first time the superstar was seen hiding with an umbrella at a private airport. It is speculated that ever since his son Aryan Khan’s case, SRK is not interested in getting by the shutterbugs and so he doesn’t want to get clicked. But that isn’t the case, SRK always doesn’t want to get clicked when he is on his personal trip.
While his fans are wondering if the superstar is hiding his Dunki looks netizens cannot stop praising his style as he has an umbrella of the Mercedes brand. Yes! Take a look at how the netizens are going gaga over the superset’s Mercedes umbrella. One user wrote, ” Inka to umbrella bhi Mercedes ka hai”.
While some netizens are extremely upset with him for covering his face with an umbrella, ” I hope his movies also get an umbrella treatment its our fault we give these worthless people so much importance” Another user wrote, ” Ye Pathan vi flop hone Bala hain…into nature to Hollywood k log vi nehi karte.” The third user wrote, ” Highly doubt he can make a comeback. He just looks really weak and sick nowadays. Looks are really important in this profession. Should have cut back on all that smoking.” ” Why is he hiding? Who cares if the look of your character is out? We already know how Pathaan looks or even Dunki for that matter. Why give yourself so much importance? At least help the paps it’s their livelihood”, commented one user.
While King Khan will be seen in Atlee and Tiger 3 along with Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif. We; can’t wait for the actor to spell his magic onscreen.
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