Season 2 of ‘Delhi Crime’ is a worthy sequel, with a top-notch cast and writing that makes it more than just another police procedural

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Season 2 of ‘Delhi Crime’ is a worthy sequel, with a top-notch cast and writing that makes it more than just another police procedural


Spoilers ahead…

Tanuj Chopra is the director, and over five episodes, he and his writers expertly take us through the investigation of a series of murders in upscale neighbourhoods. 

Season 1 of Delhi Crime was about the gang rape case of 2012, which occurred in Delhi. But it was equally about what it’s like to be a police officer. DCP Vartika, played by Shefali Shah, says these words: “One third of Delhi’s population lives in unauthorised slums and serves the elite, who earn the highest per capita income in India. Policing a city like this one is a complex task…” In other words, Season 2 is more of the same. You have to face the media, which will do anything for ratings, including the reveal of footage being used in an investigation. You have to face the public, which sometimes wants vigilante justice ASAP. You have to face your higher-ups, who say impossible things like “I want an answer in 24 hours”. But most of all, you have to face your family, the one that rarely sees your face.

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