According to a source close to the development, the digital rights of Dunki are sold to Jio Cinema for a sum of Rs 155 crore. “This is the biggest deal in the history of Indian Cinema for a film released in a single language. It has got a lot to do with the brand of Rajkumar Hirani coming together with the brand of Shah Rukh Khan. Two of India’s biggest global icons are coming together to create a film that is expected to create a global impact, which has in turn resulted in the biggest post-theatrical deal of all time,” the source told Bollywood Hungama.
The idea is to take the Jio Cinema platform global with Dunki and the team is also working on an interface to get the app available across the globe to compete with Netflix. “Rs. 155 crores is a huge sum but the SRK x Hirani combo deserves this and a lot more. The amount fetched by Dunki is even higher than what Jawan fetched for the Hindi version from Netflix,” the source told Bollywood Hungama further.
The film also stars Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal in key roles. It is slated to hit the big screen on December 22, 2023. Dunki is a co-production of Red Chillies Entertainment with Rajkumar Hirani Films.
Also Read:Aamir Khan and Rajkumar Hirani set to reunite for a biopic post release of Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki: Report
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