Shah Rukh Khan took to social media today to drop the teaser of his next film with Atlee titled Jawan. There was a lot of buzz regarding the film already and fans wanted the makers to release something. The tearer has intrigued a lot of SRK’s fans and his look is being appreciated a lot. Now Salman has reacted on the teaser.
Sharing the teaser on Instagram, he wrote, “Mere jawaan bhai ready hai @iamsrk.” Have a look at his post below:
Earlier in the day, sharing the teaser, SRK had written, “An action-packed 2023 !! Bringing #Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023. In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. @Gaurikhan @ Atlee_dir @RedChilliesEnt. ” On the other hand, Atlee wrote, “Feeling emotional, excited & blessed .Grew up admiring you but never imagined that I would be directing you sir. @iamsrk & I proudly present to you #Jawan https://bit.ly/JawanAnnouncement Releasing on 2nd June 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & Kannada @gaurikhan @RedChilliesEnt. ”
An action-packed 2023 !! ⁰Bringing #Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023.⁰In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.
@gaurikhan @Atlee_dir @RedChilliesEnt https://t.co/3MWGKNwAwZ– Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 3, 2022
Social media has been abuzz throughout the day due to the teaser. Have a look at some of the reactions below:
From no films in 4 yrs, He is back with 3 films in a single year that’s a #ShahRukhKhan for you !! One of the finest comeback of all time. Keep counting days! 2023 is gonna be King Khan’s year. ?
I can’t freakin ‘wait! #Pathaan #Jawan #Dunki
@iamsrk ? ❤️ pic.twitter.com/cru2oxLhbf– Adarsh Bhardwaj (@intoxianonymous) June 3, 2022
My Jawan Edit? ❗
Love @iamsrk when He is BAD?#ShahRukhKhan? #Jawan pic.twitter.com/twj0I6G4zI-. (@goat_snyder) June 3, 2022
From no films in 4 yrs, to 3 films in a single year. Glad that SRK is on?#Pathaan #Jawan & #Dunki
– N (@ Nasar4Srk) June 3, 2022
SRK seems to have his hands full now. Apart from Jawan, he will also be seen in Dunki and Pathan.
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