Readers Write In #584: Diving straight and dissecting into the micro level of why mass unnatural disasters happen

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Readers Write In #584: Diving straight and dissecting into the micro level of why mass unnatural disasters happen

By Neerajaa Raghuraman

I am not understanding the joke universe is trying to play on us with these mass deaths and injuries.

Though there might be a lot of discussion at macro levels, I directly get into heart level discussion here.

I think people should be allowed to love without restrictions.

Responsibility from a place of love would never co-create such bizarre mistakes.

When a 7 year old is not allowed to love and be with her dad as she wishes because her parents do not love each other,what human being are we making out of her.

Do we know what human beings we make of people when not allowed to love and live at their will. Maybe just maybe they would emanate more selfless love, less hatred if let to love freely.

Even if not, does restricting them from love give real happiness for the people who do it.

Never. It only creates a cycle of abuse.

Nobody is healed,or spared of its negative consequences.

Breaking bad is not always in forms of holocausts that history remembers, love restricted people loving people less and restricting people from loving is enough destruction.

If out of the 300s, more people were living a life of restricted love,a life worse than death,then this accident would have healed them of their wounded life.

That’s the only detached way of looking at it, as an explanation to why universe lets such things happen but not overlooking the loss of many children,and other people too.


More love is needed in the world.

And less of control, binding, restrictions and whatever makes people love each other less.

This is what I heartily felt around this very big train accident of our age while praying for all their souls to rest in peace.

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