Ahead of Jayeshbhai Jordaar’s release, actor Ranveer Singh answered a few questions from fans on social media. With films like Band Baaja Baarat, Bajirao Mastani, 83 and more, the actor has proven his acting prowess and versatility in taking up roles that often put him out of his comfort zone. On the personal front, he has made a flamboyant image of himself owing to his quirky fashion and funky persona.
Although it has only been over around a decade since his debut, fans believe that Ranveer Singh has much more to offer in his career. One of the questions asked by a fan compelled the actor to answer the same and candidly talk about his plans for the next decade.
Ranveer Singh reveals his plan for next decade
Twitter Movies conducted a special Q&A session for fans with Jayeshbhai Jordaar actor Ranveer Singh where the 36-year-old earnestly answered questions of the fans. One of the fans asked the actor, ”Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
This compelled the actor to give it a thought as he talked about how he does not worry about the future or hold onto the past but rather lives in the present. He stated, ”I don’t really place my bets on what might happen in the future. Honestly, I find it to be futile. I don’t live in the past and I don’t worry or get anxious about the future. Or even try to envision 10 years from now, I couldn’t tell you what things will be like for me 10 days from now,”
”I kind of cultivate the habit of being present. As they say, the past is ashes and the future is wood. The only thing that burns is right now,” he added and revealed that his love for cinema will allow him to explore other branches of entertainment like ‘writing, directing and more. He stated, ”I just love cinema too much so I’m pretty sure that I’ll still be attached to the cinema. But now that you’re forcing me to think ahead, I’ll probably have slowed down in terms of workload, I won’t take on so much work perhaps,”
He elaborated, ”Spend some time with my loved ones and quality time. Devote more time to my personal life and relationships. Maybe do one awesome film a year. Write direct…I don’t know,” and revealed that he might also try his hands at Broadway as he said, ”I honestly don’t know…maybe even perform on Broadway or at the West End, who knows. 10 years from now I don’t know. But I hope I will be living a happy and content and fulfilled life”.
Image: Instagram/@ranveersingh
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