Actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were a sight to behold as they walked for designer Manish Malhotra at the Mijwan fashion show on Friday. The stars walked hand in hand and looked gorgeous as they posed for the cameras.
The star-studded fashion night is hosted by actor Shabana Azmi, and it made a return to the city after three years due to the pandemic.
Check out some photos, videos of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh from the evening.
Singh also walked up to his mother Anju Bhavnani, who was seated in the audience, leaned towards her to kiss her and touch her feet. He also greeted his sister Ritika.
The videos from the night have appeared on several paparazzi social media pages and fans have poured in a lot of love for the actor. One fan wrote, “He touches his sister feet too, not only mom.” Another fan wrote, “Ranveer is great actor and nice human being ❤️.”
Deepika and Ranveer have shared pictures from their ramp walk on their social media handles too.
Just a few days ago, Ranveer was embroiled in a controversy as he posed naked for Paper magazine. The shoot resulted in an FIR against the actor. The action came after a Mumbai-based lawyer and an NGO lodged a complaint against the actor on Monday. The Mumbai police has booked the actor under sections 292 (sale of obscene books), 293 (sale of obscene objects to young persons) and 509 (act intending to outrage modesty of women) of the Indian Penal Code along with Section 67A of the IT Act, which deals with publication of any material that contains sexually explicit act or conduct.
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