Rani Mukerji is all set to retell a heartwarming story of a mother, inspired by real events, in the upcoming film Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway. Inspired by the tale of Sagarika Bhattacharya, who fought a long battle with the Norway Child Services, the film has brought out an unknown struggle of how kids are taken away from parents in the name of ‘wrong parenthood practices’. Recently at a promotional event of the social drama, Rani met up with Sagarika for the first time and became emotional as she welcomed her on stage.
Rani Mukerji turns emotional after meeting Sagarika Bhattacharya at the Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway event
Rani Mukerji along with filmmaker-producer Karan Johar was seen addressing the media at a recent press conference, which was a part of Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway promotions. During the same, when Karan called Sagarika Bhattacharya on stage, meeting her turned Rani teary-eyed and looking at her getting emotional, Sagarika too couldn’t control her own emotions and hugged Rani on stage, before turning the attention towards the audience. A video of the same have found its way on social media as paparazzo accounts gave a glimpse of the said moment. In the same video, followed by the grand meet up, Karan Johar announced that this is the first time when Sagarika met Rani despite the fact that the latter played her role.
Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway is directed by Ashima Chibber and features Rani in the role of a NRI who is settled in Norway with her two children. The story revolves around how Norway Child Services separated her from her two children, the second one being a newborn after they ‘alleged that she is an unfit mother’. The movie encompasses her two year long struggle with the Child Services that also saw the involvement of Indian Embassy and Indian Legal System that provided her support to retrieve her children. The film is slated to release on March 17.
Also Read: Rani Mukerji reveals her husband, Aditya Chopra’s reaction to Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway; says, “Adi was shocked seeing the film”
More Pages: Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway Box Office Collection
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