Brahmastra actor Ranbir Kapoor marked his presence at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2022. The film festival is being held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia starting on December 1 and will continue till December 10. The handsome chocolate hunk of Bollywood looked dapper in a navy blue revealing suit which he paired with a white T-shirt and black trousers. He completed his look with black trendy sunglasses and a beard. The actor was congratulated by his fans and well-wishers.
The Shamshera actor even spoke his heart out to Deadline Hollywood and left everyone shocked with his long-term career goals. Ranbir said that he always wanted to direct and make a film. He even said that although he had not mastered the courage to write a story, he always waited for the story to come to him naturally. The actor even said that he is not a writer and feels shy to share his ideas with other people, but he is working on it. He even said that this is his 10-year plan where he wants to start directing movies and also act in them.
A look at Ranbir Kapoor’s look at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2022 –
Ranbir Kapoor also revealed when he plans to enter the Hollywood industry and said he will never say never. He even said that he is happy with the kind of opportunities that are coming his way in his language. He even said that he has a certain block in his head about acting in English. Well, it looks like Animal actor Ranbir is all set to follow his wife Alia Bhatt’s footsteps and enter the Hollywood industry soon. Alia will make her Hollywood debut The Heart Of Stone with Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan.
On the work front, Ranbir has an untitled film starring Shraddha Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial Animal.
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