Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s wedding is the talk of the town. It is going to be an afternoon wedding. It seems the Pandit Ji has arrived at the Kapoor residence at 2 pm. Now, guests like the Ambanis have gone inside for the nuptials. Buzz is that Ranbir Kapoor is going to join social media after the wedding. The young superstar has been away from social media all this while. Buzz is that Alia Bhatt will convince Ranbir Kapoor to join social media after the wedding. The industry has always been abuzz with the fact that Ranbir Kapoor has a secret account from which he stalks others.
If the rumors of him joining social media is true, then it would be a treat if the first picture on his new handle is one from his marriage. After courting for almost four years, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have decided to marry. He has said that he has been keen to marry since a while now. The couple had plans in 2020 to tie the knot but the pandemic played havoc. The Kapoor khandaan is now at Ranbir Kapoor’s Vastu residence. The haldi happened in the morning and the saat pheras are now. The Ambani family has also come for the nuptials.
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will be seen together in Brahmastra. The makers unveiled a bit of the song, Kesariya for the fans of the couple. They met during the recce of the movie. Alia Bhatt had always been a fan of Ranbir Kapoor. She said she was already married to him in her head. Ranbir Kapoor has an impressive line-up of movies in the coming days. The industry bigwigs will come for a reception at The Taj Mahal Palace in Colaba.
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