Many Bollywood biggies have faced the boycott trend on social media this year, with films such as Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha and Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan dealing with hashtags even before their release. In such a scenario, with a certain section of the social media rejecting the films before they land in theatres, actor Rakul Preet Singh says she feels “anxious” about the release of her upcoming film Doctor G, co-starring Ayushmann Khurrana.
The actor believes a film should be boycotted if it hurts the sentiments of the audience, but nobody should “pre-empt” before the release of a film. During a conversation with Indianexpress.com, Rakul said, “You should boycott something that affects a certain section of society, but don’t pre-empt and start that conversation because it affects the entire chain of filmmaking, not just the actors.”
She added that by boycotting a film, the entire chain of filmmaking is affected. “The industry suffers, the number of films being made suffers. So it’s a chain that is followed. Employment goes down. At a time when the government is doing its best to better the economy, we should not advocate these things.”
In Doctor G, Rakul essays the role of a gynecologist Fatima. For her role, the actor took diction tutorials and also understood the functioning of a labour room from a gynecologist who was present on the film’s set. As per her, the film would be an “entertaining” watch with a social undertone.
During the free-wheeling chat, the actor also reflected upon the non-performance of Bollywood movies in the recent past. She said that the last two years have been really tough for people and they can’t be watching a movie in a cinema hall every Friday.
“We have been going through really difficult times. People are still trying to figure out their life. We were the blessed ones to have homes and didn’t have to think about food in the past two years, but a large section of the population was not having an easy time. So possibly cinema is not their first source of entertainment right now. They need to secure their future. Ab har hafte film aa rahi hai toh har hafte toh nahi dekh payenge na. (Now if a film is releasing every week, people cannot come to the theaters every week),” Rakul shared.
But looking at it from a film producer’s perspective, she added, “If you look at it from our perspective, no films released in the last two years. So, producers also need to release their films. Ultimately, its a very delicate phase for cinema.”
After Doctor G, Rakul will be seen in Thank God, also starring Sidharth Malhotra and Ajay Devgn. She has four other films in the pipeline, including Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2.
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