As Arjun Kapoor turned a year older on Sunday, a number of Bollywood including Ranveer Singh, Vicky Kaushal, Anushka Sharma and Sonam Kapoor wished him on the special day in their own unique way. Latest to join the list is Priyanka Chopra who wished the actor a while ago. The actress took to her Instagram stories and shared a picture of Arjun Kapoor and wrote: Happy Birthday Arjun aka FUBU. Well, its not a late post but the time difference in two countries. US is 11 hours 30 minutes behind India.
Arjun Kapoor’s girlfriend Malaika Arora too wished her boyfriend on his special day. She shared a picture and a video of Arjun Kapoor. Sharing this birthday post Malaika wrote, “Make a wish my love…… may all ur wishes n dreams come true happy birthday.”
Have a look at Priyanka’s post:
Priyanka Chopra has worked with Arjun Kapoor in Ali Abbas Zafar’s 2014 film Gunday. Produced by Aditya Chopra, the film also featured Ranveer Singh and Irrfan Khan. Set in 1971-1988 Calcutta, Gunday is a story about two best friends and outlaws, who fall in love with a cabaret dancer, which causes rivalry and misunderstandings between them.
Ever since then, the actress has made Hollywood her home base and is actively pursuing roles in Hollywood films. On the work front, Priyanka recently wrapped filming for her debut web series titled Citadel with Richard Madden.
Meanwhile, Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor are holidaying in Paris to celebrate latter’s 37th birthday. The duo has been giving major couple goals for a long time now. However, they are often trolled for their age gap ever since they officially confirmed their relationship. But it seems that trolling doesn’t affect the power couple as they are often seen supporting and expressing their love for each other on social platforms.
On the work front, Malaika Arora has featured as a judge in many Indian reality shows. She takes yoga classes for fitness and is often snapped after workout.
On the other hand, Arjun will next be seen in Mohit Suri’s ‘Ek Villain Returns’ which also stars John Abraham, Disha Patani, and Tara Sutaria in lead roles and is slated to release on July 8. Apart from this, the actor also has ‘Lady Killer’ and ‘Kuttey’ in his kitty.
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