Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas, Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and others attend the grand event of The Great Indian Musical Launch at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center in Mumbai. And it is such a gala event with the participation of big stars and sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh, Jasprit Bumrah and more. Just a few hours ago, we shared with you the video of Priyanka and Deepika having a lively conversation at the event. And now we have come across pictures of Priyanka Chopra chatting with Karan Johar at the same launch party.
Priyanka Chopra-Karan Johar have a lively conversation at Nita Ambani’s event
Entertainment News, for the past few days, has been full of updates about Priyanka Chopra and her interview podcast where she made a shocking revelation about the Bollywood cabal against her. And days after the actress’ statement, Priyanka was seen talking to Karan Johar, with whom she reportedly had an argument. Well, tabloids and articles were full of gossip about the Priyanka-Karan feud years ago. Priyanka then appeared on the episode of Coffee Kpuch for Coffee With Karan.
And now a picture of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas chatting with Karan Johar has surfaced. Looks like Priyanka is catching up with everyone. The gorgeous DIVA is already garnering attention for her sheer attire and now her picture with Karan has also grabbed attention. Just a few days ago, even Kangana Ranaut reacted to Bollywood’s ban statement by saying that it was Karan who banned Priyanka.
Watch the Priyanka Chopra-Karan Johar video here:
Priyanka Chopra says Bollywood has ganged up on her
The actress was asked on her interview podcast: Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard what made her move to pursue a career in Hollywood. The actress shared that she had a falling out with people in Bollywood and that everyone cornered her. People removed her from casting in movies. She was not involved in politics and needed a break.
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