Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor took their 5-year-long relationship a step further and tied the knot on April 14 in the presence of close friends and family members. Post-wedding, best wishes started pouring in from all quarters. From Kareena Kapoor to Ananya Panday, many tinsel town natives have congratulated Alia and Ranbir. To join the bandwagon, Alia’s half-sister Pooja Bhatt also doted on newlyweds and showered love on them as she congratulated them on their big day.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Pooja Bhatt shared two photos- one of the wedding mandap, featuring the auspicious pyre, and another one was a dreamy picture of the bride and groom. While sharing the post, she wrote, “Love conquers all! @aliaabhatt #ranbirkapoor #ranbiraliawedding.” As soon as she posted the pictures, fans rush to congratulate the newlyweds. They also dropped the red hearts emoticon in the comment section. A fan wrote, “Many many congratulations to both of you and enjoy your future life….God bless you always.” Another user commented, “Congrats! It looked like a beautiful wedding.”
Take a look:
In another post, Pooja shared a cute picture of father Mahesh Bhatt. In the photo, she showed off Mr. Bhatt’s henna design. He wrote Alia and Ranbir on his hands. While sharing the photo, she wrote, “Written in the stars.. written on our father’s palms.. etched on hearts, for life & beyond. #alia #ranbir #ranbiraliawedding.”
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Pooja Bhatt also posted an adorable photo with her sister Shaheen Bhatt. They both were hugging each other in the photo. She wrote, “Because we’re happy…#siblingjoy #ranbiraliawedding.”
Take a look:
In addition to this, for their wedding, Alia and Ranbir twinned in beautiful Sabyasachi outfits. Alia Bhatt ditched the mainstream lehenga and wore a hand-dyed ivory organza saree.
Earlier, Ranbir’s sister Kareena Kapoor too shared a photo from inside the wedding venue, featuring her father Randhir Kapoor and newlywed Ranbir Kapoor. The groom can be seen smiling with his uncle in the adorable photograph. While sharing the photo, Kareena wrote, “Papa and brother. Pure Happiness.”
ALSO READ: Aadar Jain treats fans with after-party PIC from Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt’s wedding; Take a look
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