Parineeti Chopra and AAP MP Raghav Chadha, who had been evading media attention for some time, officially announced their engagement on May 13, 2023. The couple exchanged vows in a private ceremony held at the Kapurthala House in New Delhi, surrounded by their loved ones. Parineeti has been posting incredibly charming photos from her engagement with Raghav Chadha, and they exude a dreamy vibe! Recently, Parineeti’s brother Shivang shared an exclusive photo from the engagement ceremony which features him posing along with Raghav and Sahaj Chopra.
Parineeti Chopra’s brothers, Shivang and Sahaj, strike a pose with Raghav Chadha; actress praises them as the “Best boys in the world”
On Tuesday, Parineeti Chopra’s brother, Shivang Chopra, took to his Instagram to share a delightful picture from the engagement ceremony. Sharing the picture, he wrote in caption, “The boys!”
Soon after he shared the post, Parineeti Chopra commented, “Best boys in the world.”
Parineeti also took to her Instagram Story and shared the post along with caption, “MAINSSS.”
As per reports, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha have been long-time friends as they studied together at the London School of Economics. They also follow each other on Instagram. They were first spotted together grabbing dinner. Following which, Raghav came to pick her up at the Delhi airport, adding fuel to their wedding rumours.
Coming to the professional front, Parineeti was last seen in the Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher and Boman Irani starrer Uunchai, which was helmed by Sooraj Barjatya. She has a bunch of projects in the pipeline, including Imtiaz Ali’s next directorial Chamkila. Besides this, she also has Capsule Gill, opposite Akshay Kumar. The Tinu Suresh Desai directorial is said to be a real-life story of additional chief mining engineer Jaswant Singh Gill, who helped in the rescue of people when a coalmine in Raniganj, West Bengal, was flooded in 1989.
Also Read: Parineeti Chopra looks effortlessly chic in pink kurta set worth Rs.19K and Burberry Bag worth Rs.91k
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