T-Series Film and Reliance Entertainment and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Reliance Entertainment, Film Hangar and Vivek B. Agrawal. The film will hit the big screens on October 14, 2022.
T-Series, Reliance Entertainment, Film Hangar and director Ribhu Dasgupta are all set to release the next film – Code Name: Tiranga. Starring Parineeti Chopra and Hardy Sandhu in lead roles, the film will bring together seasoned actors like Sharad Kelkar, Rajit Kapoor, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Shishir Sharma, Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Dish Mariwala.
A spy action thriller, Code Name: Tiranga is the story of a spy on a steadfast and fearless mission for her nation in a race against time where sacrifice is her only choice.
Parineeti Chopra will play a RAW agent who is on an exciting journey across many countries. While Hardy Sandhu who is an established and sought after singer will surprise the audience with his acting in the film.
Eagerly awaiting his next film to hit the big screens, Ribhu Dasgupta says, “I am delighted to announce my next film Codename: Thiranga; will hit theaters this October 14. I hope the audience will enjoy this action-packed film about the sacrifice of a soldier in the line of duty for his nation.”
Code Name: Tiranga is presented by Gulshan Kumar, T-Series Film and Reliance Entertainment and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Reliance Entertainment, Film Hangar and Vivek B. Agrawal. The film will hit the big screens on October 14, 2022.
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