Spy is centered around Jai (Nikhil Siddhartha), who embarks on a mission to eliminate a wanted arms dealer – Khaadir. During the course of this dangerous mission, Jai must also uncover the truth behind his brother Subhash’s mysterious death. As he delves deeper in his efforts to successfully complete his mission, he not only uncovers a mole who stole classified files related to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose but will also have to stop a vengeful nuclear scientist determined to provoke a war between India and China. In Spy, Jai and his band of brave compatriots are on a perilous journey to safeguard the country from all threats, foreign and domestic.
Speaking about the film, Director-Editor, Garry BH said, “Spy has been an exceptional experience for me, and will always remain extremely special as it marks my first film as a director. An ode to the spy-action genre, peppered with unexpected twists, extreme action sequences and powerful performances the film will keep the audience captivated throughout. After receiving much love in cinemas, I am thrilled that Spy will reach a much larger audience, when it streams exclusively on Prime Video in five languages, across the globe in over 240 countries and territories.”
ALSO READ: Nikhil Siddhartha apologizes to his fans on social media about the goof-ups that happened during the release of SPY
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