Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10 will see the special Kapoor Khandaan this weekend. Neetu Kapoor comes as the chief guest. While some promos were shared, Niti Taylor fans were waiting to see Akash Thapa and her in action. Now a promo has arrived where the two can be seen recreating the magical wedding of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Both are dressed in ivory suits. The song playing in the background is Khuda Jaane Yeh from Bachna Ae Haseeno. They display great chemistry while performing the classic romantic ballad sung by late KK and Shilpa Rao.
Dhamakedar hoga ye weekend, jab manayenge sabhi ‘Kapoor Special’ contestants on the sets of ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’#jhalakdikhlajaa #jhalakdikhlajaa10 #JDJ10 #nititaylor #Promotion pic.twitter.com/bXyyj7aUUf
— First India Telly (@firstindiatelly) October 6, 2022
Niti Taylor and Akash Thapa’s fans went crazy after seeing the chemistry between the two. Although they were upset about the lack of promotions, the clip above made their day. Check out the reactions on Twitter…
I can’t take my eyes off Neeti, she looks so gorgeously beautiful. That softness in her expressions ❤#NitiTaylor https://t.co/eAzXojvRMk
— wildsoul (@beingwild_) October 6, 2022
They kill and how ?✨?#Never #NitiInJhalak10 #NitiTaylor #JhalakDikhhlaJaa10 pic.twitter.com/M70wY6rt51
— fanpage_niti_squad (@nitisquad) October 6, 2022
♥️ #NitiTaylor #Nitiinjhalak #JhalakDikhlaJaa10#Never #AkashTappapic.twitter.com/udMYDhGfOm
— #MyMindAndMe (@DUVSG16) October 6, 2022
So nice vm?. Watching online?. #NitiTaylor #AkashThappa #JhalakDhikhhlaJaa10 #NitiInJhalak10 https://t.co/nWT5lJdNVG
— Nitai (@Tay_admirer) October 6, 2022
This looks extremely beautiful. Niti Taylor and Akash Thapa gave a good performance even in the Navratri special episode. Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10 has some big names like Nia Sharma, Gashmeer Mahhajani, Rubina Dilaik, Shilpa Shinde and others.
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