Last year, there was speculation that actor-director Raghava Lawrence has been roped in to play the lead in Aadai fame Rathna Kumar’s next. Now, we learn that the project has been confirmed and the makers have even finalised Nayanthara to play the female lead. The pre-production work is on, and the makers are planning to kickstart the project in a month’s time.
When we contacted Rathna Kumar to confirm the development, he shared with us, “Talks are on with the actors, and everything is in the initial stage. I am currently busy with Leo (Lokesh Kanagaraj’s film with Vijay, for which he is one of the writers) and will begin working on this film by the end of this month. ”
When we contacted Rathna Kumar to confirm the development, he shared with us, “Talks are on with the actors, and everything is in the initial stage. I am currently busy with Leo (Lokesh Kanagaraj’s film with Vijay, for which he is one of the writers) and will begin working on this film by the end of this month. ”
The director also informed us that his upcoming project will be a pure horror flick. While Lawrence is currently shooting for two most-awaited sequels — P Vasu’s horror comedy Chandramukhi 2, in Mumbai, and Karthik Subbaraj’s action thriller Jigarthanda 2.
Meanwhile, Nayanthara is working on Atlee’s Jawan, which has Shah Rukh Khan in the lead, and will mark the Lady Superstar’s Bollywood debut.