According to a source close to Bal, the designer had made a list of his close friends who he wanted to meet during his stay in the hospital since his health was deteriorating. It was around that time when his close friends accused model Lalit Tehlan for leaving the designer alone despite his critical condition and taking away his Jagaur and cook to Goa for his personal usage. Tehlan was also accused of endangering Bal’s life by serving him alcohol despite knowing that he suffers from pancreatitis.
An explosive interview published in a rival newspaper has brought this incident to light and set the tongues wagging in the fashion fraternity on Rohit Bal’s troubled relationship with model Lalit Tehlan. However, Bal has dissed all rumours and took Tehlan’s side while speaking to Hindustan Times. “Lalit is the kindest human being in this world. He is a part of my life. These people came up with baseless allegations. It is absolute nonsense. They have nothing better to do. They are trying to portray him as a goon. Tomorrow, I can go and say anything about anyone and attempt to destroy his character. Has Lalit ever harmed them? Do they have any recordings or any sort of evidence against him? They must be put in their place. Lalit has his entire life ahead of him and what they have done to him is wrong and it must stop.”
Despite Rohit Bal’s friends designer Rohit Gandhi and marketing professional Julie Deb claiming that Lalit Tehlan is a threat to Bal’s life, the designer and the model remain thick friends and keep showering each other with love on social media. Lalit shared a picture with the designer recently and wrote, “The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best, but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.” The 61-year-old couturier replied to his post, “Feel protected and shielded.”