Mira Rajput is currently vacationing in Europe with her husband Shahid Kapoor, kids Misha and Zain and has been sharing glimpses of her trip with her fans on social media. Meanwhile, Mira shared her latest vacation pics from the luxurious spots in the country, giving yet another dose of eye candy. The young mommy took to her Instagram handle and shared pictures of herself posing at various beautiful locations. The diva looked gorgeous as she donned a perfect beachy look. She sported a black bralette with yellow shirt and white skirt. She also wore a hat and black shades to give herself a complete beach look.
Sharing the pictures, the diva captioned it as: “Beaches and peaches. It’s my jam.” Well, seems like Mira is having the time of her life. Ever since Mira has been on the trip, she is sharing the glimpses of her travel with her fans. Recently, she had shared a post in which the family of four could be seen standing next to each other with their backs to the camera and facing a beautiful water body.
Have a look at Mira’s post:
She had also shared a post from Switzerland and captioned it as: “Haseen Vaadiyan” #serialphotobomberisback. In the first picture, Mira is seen sitting on sitting on a rock with luscious green backdrop. She wore a yellow top teamed up with blue jeans and a cap to give herself a backpacker look. Meanwhile, in the second picture, Rajput has turned her back towards the camera. It was the third picture that grabbed eyeballs as her son Zain Kapoor photobombed her picture while she was standing on a rock. Referring to her son, Mira said the serial photobomber is back.
Mira often walks the ramp and also collaborates with fashion brands on several ventures. While the diva keeps herself busy with her fashion consignments, she also manages to look after her two kids, Misha Kapoor and Zain Kapoor. Her husband Shahid Kapoor always talks highly of her and always talks about how well she manages both her work and family. Shahid will next be seen in an Amazon Prime original titled Farzi with Vijay Sethupathi helmed by Raj and DK. He has also shot for his untitled action film with Ali Abbas Zafar which will too release very soon.
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