With the MaAn wedding preparations going on in full swing the audience to see the lead couple in the show Anupamaa, Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna as bride and groom. As per the latest development, Mika Singh will be making a grand entry into the show. Mika Singh appears as Friend of the Groom, ‘Anuj’, energizing the whole #MaAn Sangeet! The set came alive with Mika Singh’s presence and everyone was seen dancing to his peppy songs. The extravagant setting of the show ‘Anupamaa’ matched Mika Singh’s fiery look for the special occasion.
Mika Singh, along with the cast and crew of ‘Anupamaa’, performed the hook – step from the Title track of his upcoming Star Bharat show ‘Swayamvar – Mika Di Vohti’, where he will be seen facing the biggest, most important decision of his life. Everyone on the set of ‘Anupamaa’ enjoyed breaking out into their own dance moves and grooving to Mika Singh’s beats.
Mika Singh talked about his appearance on Star Plus’ show ‘Anupamaa’, “It was such a unique experience for me on the set of ‘Anupama’, the biggest show in India right now. All the cast and crew members made me feel at home with their warm reception. The festivities started with a bang and we did not want to stop. I enjoyed singing and dancing with everyone. Playing the Groom’s friend made me excited and curious about my own wedding. Hopefully, I will find that special someone to celebrate every moment with. You will see it all unfold in my new show ‘Swayamvar – Mika Di Vohti’ on Star Bharat!”
Mika Singh will be soon seen on TV with his new show where he will look for that special someone to spend his life with. Mika Singh’s new show ‘Swayamvar – Mika Di Vohti’ is only on Star Bharat.
Also read- Anupamaa’s Rupali Ganguly & Gaurav Khanna’s school romance will remind you of your first crush; WATCH
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