Manjima Mohan, who came into the limelight with her performance in director Gautham Vasudev Menon’s Acham Enbathu Madamayada, recently got married to her longtime boyfriend Gautham Karthik in Chennai on November 28. But the actress didn’t know she’d find herself on the receiving end of fat-shaming from her wedding attendees. Now she has shared her reaction to the negative comments about her appearance.
When Manjima was asked about her feelings about being shamed, she revealed that the trolling doesn’t affect her anymore. She then revealed that some people talked about her look at her wedding with Gautham. She also added that she used to be self-conscious but now she has become more comfortable with her body.
“In fact, even at our wedding, several people commented on it. It used to be like that, but now I feel good about my body and know that I can lose weight when I want to. I do fitness and I’m happy with myself. When there is a professional commitment that requires me to lose weight, I will definitely do it; not sure why it should concern others,” she told India Today.
Before her wedding, Manjima said in a press conference that she will not leave the film industry. The actress has been on a break for the past few months. She added that she will resume work after finding a suitable script. On the other hand, Gautham is busy shooting for the Simbu Pathu Thala starrer. He also recently wrapped up shooting for his upcoming film 1947.
Manjima and Gautham have been in a relationship for the past three years. She had earlier written a touching note about her husband-to-be, who came into her life like a guardian angel and stood by her side when she was completely lost. Gautham then responded with a long post of his own, saying that he loves her with all his heart and that he can’t wait for them to begin their journey together as one.
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