Mahhi Vij, best known for playing the role of Nakusha in Laagi Tujhse Lagan and Nandini in Balika Vadhu, has turned into a doting hands-on mother ever since adopting her kids, Rajveer and Khushi, and giving birth to her biological daughter, Tara, with husband Jay Bhanushali. Recently, we caught up with Mahhi Vij and her adorable little munchkin, Tara Bhanushali, for a special exclusive interview on Mother’s Day 2022. While the video chat will be out only on Mother’s Day, 8th May, we’re offering you a little sneak-peek into the conversation right now with a small snippet from the interview about Tara.
During the course of elaborating how she endeavours to raise her kid as a new-age mom in sync with our evolving time, Mahhi Vij made a surprising revelation that Tara was offered a TV show not so long ago. Explaining that while she doesn’t believe in completely shielding Tara from public gaze, but at the same time is wary of over-exposure, the actress said, “Not many know that Tara (indicating to her daughter seated in her lap) was offered a TV show some time ago. But, that’s where I know it’s important to take a step back. A TV show at this age would be too much. I wouldn’t want that for her. Plus, with her school beginning in some time, she doesn’t have the time for it. So, it’s important to maintain a balance when people want to see more of your kid.”
Mahhi Vij was last seen as the character, Seherm in the TV show, Laal Ishq, though she’s made sporadic appearances since then as a guests on reality shows. Her fans eagerly await a project where she’s seen either playing a key role or as a prime contestant in a popular reality series. So, fingers crossed.
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