Mahhi Vij and Jay Bhanushali filed a case against their temporary chef after he allegedly threatened to kill them and their 2-year-old daughter Tara. The accused has been identified as Santosh Yadav, 40, who has been booked under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Mahi Vij shared on social media how she was threatened by the chef. She said that he had openly threatened her that he had indeed stabbed them with a dagger. She urged the Mumbai police to protect them. Mahi Vij said she fears for her daughter Tara’s life. The cook seems to have told her, “wow marne ke baad morcha nikalna (organize rally after death)”.
According to Mid-Day, the actor contacted the cops via Twitter and later filed an FIR at the Oshiwara police station. The cook was booked under sections 509, 504 and 506. These deal with outraging the modesty of a woman and willful insult with intent to disturb the peace. The FIR was filed on June 29, 2022. Cops arrested him the same day and he was produced before the Andheri Metropolitan Court on June 30. This was confirmed by DCP Sanjay Latkar.
He appears to have been a temporary cook. Mahi Vij seems to have realized that he stole only three days on the job. She didn’t complain right away. When Jay Bhanushali told him to take his payment and leave, he demanded money for the whole month. When Jay Bhanushali argued, he said that he had indeed brought 200 Bihari men outside his house and created a ruckus. He appears to have been drunk and abused the couple. Mahi Vij said she is afraid for her child.
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