On the occasion of Rama Navami, Mahesh Babu has shared a mesmerising video of his daughter Sitara performing her first Kuchipudi dance recital. After taking social media by storm with her graceful dance moves to Kalavathi and Penny, Mahesh Babu’s daughter Sitara yet again manages to steal the attention.
“Sitara’s first Kuchipudi dance recital… Couldn’t be happier to present it on this auspicious day of #SriRamaNavami. This Shloka speaks of the greatness of Lord Rama!,” Mahesh Babu wrote on Instagram alongside the video of Sitara.
“In awe of you my Situ Papa and your dedication to your craft! You make me more and more proud! Immense respect and love to you my little one,” the superstar added.
Also Read: The Famous Star Kid: Mahesh Babu’s daughter Sitara and her love for dancing
Namrata Shirodkar also shared the video and wrote, “Speechless, teary-eyed, proud, happy… so many emotions run through me as I see this recital!! A proud mother I am! Sitara is evolving into a beautiful little woman because of your hard work, continuous support and love. I will always remain ever so grateful to you both. What a beautiful way to start this auspicious day! Wishing you all a very happy Sri Ram Navami.”
Sitara is clearly giving a tough competition to her celeb parents on social media. Earlier, in an exclusive conversation with Pinkvilla, Namrata Shirodkar said she and Mahesh are encouraging her to do her best. “She has a mind of her own and we encourage her to be happy! That’s all there is to it really and she really works hard towards for her YouTube channel and constantly surprising us with her ideas,” said Namrata Shirodkar when Sitara made her social media debut.
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