Mahesh Babu recently stirred the hornet’s nest that has since become known as his ‘Bollywood can’t afford me’ statement. For those who have been living under a rock, what happened is that during the Telugu press conference for the film, majorwhich Mahesh Babu has produced, the star emphatically said, “I may sound arrogant, I did get a lot of offers in Hindi. But I don’t think they can afford me. I don’t want to waste my time. The fame and love that I have here in Telugu cinema, I never thought of going to any other industry. I always thought that I will make films here and they will become bigger and my belief is now becoming a reality. I couldn’t be happier.”
Mahesh Babu decided to eat his own words with SS Rajamouli’s film
A well-placed industry source has exclusively informed BollywoodLife that Mahesh Babu is all set to enter the Hindi market in a big way with his upcoming film with none other than India’s biggest director today, SS Rajamouli . In fact, this is supposedly the main reason why his last film, Sarakaru Vaari Paata, was not dubbed and released in Hindi, and probably why his next film, tentatively titled SSMB28, directed by Trivikram, will not be released in Hindi either.
Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata fails to impress
Mahesh Babu’s last release, Sarkaru Vaari Paata started off brilliantly at the box office but fell drastically after that, negative reviews and mixed word of mouth playing spoilsport big time. The Mahesh Babu and Keerthy Suresh starrer directed by Parasuram had a rather steep decline from day 2 onwards and though it didn’t do well, the film incurred some losses for its distributors. Director Trivikram Srinivas is collaborating with Mahesh on the latter’s next film.
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