Sara Ali Khan is an actress who doesn’t need an introduction. Being a celebrity kid, the Pataudi princess has been the talk of the town even before she made her big Bollywood debut. From her personal life to her professional front, Sara tends to make headlines every now and then. For the uninitiated, Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh’s daughter made her big Bollywood debut with the Abhishek Kapoor’s directorial Kedarnath. Ever since then, Sara has been a part of several popular movies including Love Aaj Kal, Simmba, Atrangi Re, etc.
In fact, she has two interesting projects in the kitty including Laxman Utekar’s next with Vicky Kaushal and Gaslight with Vikrant Massey. On the other hand, Sara Ali Khan is quite popular on social media as well. The Pataudi princess has a knack for taking the internet by storm every time she shares a pic on social media. From her workout video to travel escapades, movie announcements, BTS pics, and even her happy moments with family, Sara’s Instagram posts are a treat for the fans. Needless to say, Sara enjoys a massive fan following. If you are a die-hard fan of the Pataudi princess, take this interesting quiz about Sara and prove her love for the actress.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan relishes yummy food during her London vacay; PIC
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