Mumbai: Actor and self-proclaimed critic Kamaal Rashid Khan aka KRK often creates ripples on the internet with his controversial tweets. He even got arrested by Mumbai police recently for allegedly defaming Bollywood actors on Twitter and for his 2019 case.
Yesterday, KRK took to his micro-blogging platform and said that he will quit reviewing movies if Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan does well at the box office. He said, “SRK replied to a media person in Sharjah and said that his film #Pathaan will be a super hit! Now I promise to the world, if #Pathaan will not become a disaster then I will stop reviewing films. In case SRK will change the name #Pathaan then my challenge will become invalid.”
KRK also claims that Pathaan will be a hit overseas but would be a huge disaster in India, for which he got bashed by SRK’s fans. Though it is not his first time talking about stopping to review movies, in the past he has claimed to do so but did not.
Many social media users seem happy about KRK leaving and some of the tweets are hilarious.
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