Adipurush The pre-release event held in Tirupati was a huge hit. Hundreds of people turned up to attend the grand event where the latest trailer of Adipurush directed by Om Raut was launched. From the cast, Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and others attended the event. Kriti Sanon, who plays the role of Janaki in the film, looked mesmerizing and how in a beautiful brown saree with a backless blouse. She took to the stage and had only good things to say about co-star Prabhas.
Kriti Sanon began her speech by addressing the crowd with a namaste. She then recalled that she started her career in the Telugu film industry and now, after nine years, she has this amazing opportunity to act in a pan-Indian film like Adipurush. She called it a “precious film” and a “special hero”. Talking about her character in the film, Kriti Sanon said, “I think this character chose me and we are all blessed to be a part of this film. Janaki chose me to play this character. It’s not just a movie. We are coming to theaters on June 16 and we need all your blessings, said Kriti Sanon.
Then she talks about Prabhas. When asked how the Baahubali star is off-screen, Kriti Sanon mentioned that he is not at all a silent person. Rather, he talks a lot. She called him cute and cuddly and also revealed that she loves food. He was quoted as saying: “He is a very hardworking and very nice person. He is also a person who loves food very much. Seeing the purity in his eyes, I don’t think anyone else can handle Rama’s portrayal in this film.” Kriti Sanon and Prabhas also shared a warm hug at the event as they marked their entries. Their pairing and chemistry is loved by the masses.
Watch the final trailer of Adipurush below:
Saif Ali Khan, who plays the role of Lankesh, the main antagonist in Adipurush, was missing from the grand event. Fans are highly impressed with the second trailer of the film and are eagerly awaiting its release. Adipurush will hit theaters on June 16.
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