Khushi Kapoor is all set to make her Bollywood debut with The Archies, which is directed by Zoya Akhtar. The film, which is inspired by the comic series by the same name, will also mark the debut of other star kids like Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda, along with Vedang Raina, Aditi Dot, and Yuvraj Menda. The entire team of the film is expected to have flown to Sao Paulo for a performance and recently Khushi also posted some glimpses of her visit to Brazil.
Khushi Kapoor bonds with The Archies co-stars in Brazil; shares pics
The young star kid was seen bonding with co-stars Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda. Khushi Kapoor was also seen exploring the streets of Brazil, in which she was seen posing with her co-stars. She captioned them saying, “Brazillllll <3”. Followed by her post, her friends and co-stars Vedang and Yuvraj also dropped comments, While Vedang said, “Sweet Pics,” Yuvraj dropped several heart emojis on the post.
Besides them, many of their fraternity friends and co-stars also commented on the post. Tara Sharma Saluja, who is expected to essay the role of one of the lead debutant’s mother, dropped a heart emoji. Friends of Khushi like Aaliya Kashyap, Tanisha Santoshi, Rhea Kapoor, among others, also showered their love on the post.
The Archies is one of the most anticipated films of the year with it marking the debut of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, Boney Kapoor and the late Sridevi’s younger daughter Khushi Kapoor as well as Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda, son of Shweta Bachchan and Nikhil Nanda. Netflix Tudum 2023 recently unveiled a poster of the film and is expected to reveal the date of its release soon.
Also Read: Karan Johar pens note for Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda as The Archies team heads to Brazil: ‘Literally held them in my arms’
More Pages: The Archies Box Office Collection
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