Kartik Aaryan was brimming with excitement as he graced the fan screening of his recent hit Satyaprem Ki Katha, at the prestigious1 14th Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. The event will have Kartik Aaryan connect with his Australian fans and share the magic of his latest cinematic endeavour. The actor landed in Melbourne and interacted with fans during the screening. The excitement was unmatched and palpable as fans went crazy to see their favourite star for the first time.
Kartik Aaryan gets a marriage proposal from a fan at the special screening of Satyaprem Ki Katha at IFFM 2023, watch
Satyaprem Ki Katha became a box office success combined with remarkable performances and heartfelt moments. The fan screening was a memorable experience, as it offered Kartik the opportunity to personally engage with his admirers and express his gratitude for their unwavering support. Fans attending the event got the chance to ask questions and interact with him and capture memorable moments. One of the highlights was a girl who proposed for marriage to Kartik who was left speechless with the gesture.
Kartik Aaryan shared his enthusiasm for being part of IFFM, stating, “I am truly thrilled to be a part of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. This is my first time in Melbourne and to be here for a screening of ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ on the day I just landed has been amazing. I’m overwhelmed with all this love and really means a lot that everyone is here. There’s a feeling of togetherness and oneness here”.
ALSO READ: Kartik Aaryan becomes the brand ambassador for a leading condom brand
More Pages: Satyaprem Ki Katha Box Office Collection , Satyaprem Ki Katha Movie Review
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