Looks like Hansal Mehta has delivered another winner with Scoop on Netflix. The creator of the much-loved Scam 1992 has made this show inspired by the real-life case of journalist Jigna Vora. Karishma Tanna plays the lead role. The show also sees the return of Harman Baweja to the screen after a long time. Fans who have seen Karishma Tanna on TV with Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Kabhi Bahu Thi are amazed by her work as Jagruti Pathak. She gave a heartfelt and emotional performance. In 2011, crime reporter Jay Day was shot dead in Powai. He was working with MiD Day. Fellow reporter Jigna Vora was arrested by the cops.
Jigna Vora is said to have instigated his murder by passing on information. She was acquitted in 2019. But the seven years were difficult for her. People love Karishma Tanna’s acting in the show. Check out the tweets…
MUST WATCH ?? #ScoopOnNetflix #spoon pic.twitter.com/0I3rrjmxzp
— nee₹aj ? (@_hellu___) June 4, 2023
A gripping thriller. Hats off @mehtahansal
It takes courage to direct and bring forth such powerful truths.
Every character portraying their role in this masterpiece deserves recognition. #JagrutiPathak delivers a thrilling performance Highly recommended#ScoopOnNetflix #spoon— SimRaaj Fernkaar (@simbytz) June 4, 2023
@KARISHMAK_TANNA and the entire cast is brilliant in the @mehtahansal directed #ScoopOnNetflix … Do not miss…
“Hare Krishna.” (@rajesh09092001) June 4, 2023
Just completed #ScoopOnNetflix. @KARISHMAK_TANNA as Jagruti Pathak was brilliant. No amount of appreciation could justify her action.
— K Sampreeth Prem (@KSPrem24) June 4, 2023
All thanks to OTT, through which directors like @mehtahansal it can gain more popularity than a regular theatrical release because of niche stuff. #ScoopOnNetflix is as punchy as almost any Mehta project. @KARISHMAK_TANNA and @Mdzeeshanayyub are AWESOME!4.5 ⭐️ pic.twitter.com/6NWnNSyBBd
— Ved (@don__returns) June 4, 2023
I didn’t realize how good an actor @KARISHMAK_TANNA f. I was watching #ScoopOnNetflix and understood! intense. Grip. Brilliant.
Piyoosh Rai???? (@piyooshrai) June 4, 2023
#ScoopOnNetflix@mehtahansal you beauty! You are great ! Every series every movie! The @KARISHMAK_TANNA
Poochtaach is a masterclass in filmmaking! The sweat, the acting EVERYTHING. And many others..
Thanks for your brilliance! #spoon— Jonu Rana (@JonuRana) June 4, 2023
Hansal Mehta does it again, #ScoopOnNetflix is really a spoon. So happy to see Karishma Tanna back in action, one of the most underutilized talents. Based on real events and wonderfully portrayed. You have to watch. @mehtahansal @KARISHMAK_TANNA
— Artist (@simplykalakaar) June 4, 2023
This is indeed a great news for Karishma Tanna. The actress was a part of Bollywood movie Sanju. We hope she gets more powerful roles after this OTT release.
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