Host Kangana Ranaut recently took a subtle dig at Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan. During the episode, contestant Munawar Faruqui shocked everyone with his revelation. Kangana revealed that Munawar was a married man and is a father of a son. After Kangana’s statement, Munawar tried to tell her that it was not the same story as his. Munawar revealed the main reason why he did not reveal much about his life and said, ‘I don’t want ki jo cheezon ka ab matlab hi nahi hai wo cheezein baahar aaye. There’s already a lot, there’s so many things, there’s so many tags, I don’t want another thing. Kuch cheezein court mein hain. I don’t want those things to come out. Thoda sa baat karunga to sabko pura jaanna hoga. I was trying to make things better. Ye sab cheezein mujhe 2 saal se kha rahi hain. ‘
During the episode, Kangana was seen talking about the huge scandal in her life and spoke about her extramarital affair with Hrithik. She said, ‘Every girl falls into the charm of married men. I speak from personal experience. I am not talking about you, but maybe it happens because they (married men) are domesticated and they are more understanding. They are responsible and have that aura around them that charms young women. Such men have stories of being trapped and they tell similar stories to the wife and the young girl. ‘
She further added saying, ‘It became a huge scandal in my life. The young girls feel they are the only ones who can save the married man from his wife. But, if you hear the wife’s story, you’d be shocked. ‘
For the unversed, Kangana and Hrithik are at loggerheads and had slapped each other with legal notices in 2016. Kangana had addressed Hrithik as a silly ex in an interview and the latter had sent her a legal notice.
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