Popular actress, Kajal Aggarwal and her husband, Gautam Kitchlu had embraced parenthood on April 19, 2022, and the good news had delighted their massive fanbase across the nation. Wishes and blessings were poured in the couple’s way from all corners as it was a moment for which their fans had waited for a very long time. Kajal’s fans are eagerly waiting for the couple to share the first picture with their adorable son, Neil.
However, it was on April 20, 2022, when the newbie dad, Gautam Kitchlu had shared a picture postcard on his IG handle and had revealed the name of their newborn baby. The newbie father had confirmed the arrival of their baby boy in their lives. Also, he had also revealed his name on the postcard. Atop it, he had written:
“We are delighted to announce the birth of NEIL KITCHLU April 19, 2022.”
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On April 21, 2022, Nisha Aggarwal took to her Instagram stories and conducted a ‘Question and Answer’ session with her massive fanbase after a long time. During her interaction with the fans, some urged her to reveal her beauty secrets, but most of the questions were centred around her newborn nephew, Neil Kitchlu. However, the one that caught everyone’s attention was the one, in which a user asked Nisha to reveal her son, Ishaan Valecha’s reaction after meeting little Neil. The user asked, “How did Ishaan react seeing Neil for the first time?” Answering this, Nisha surprisingly revealed that Ishaan had been kept away from Neil at the moment as the former is having a cough, and the family doesn’t want to take any risks. She said:
“He is so excited to see him, but have kept him away as he has a cough. Don’t want to take a chance with the baby.”
Another user asked Nisha Aggarwal to reveal her personal experience of meeting her sister, Kajal Aggarwal’s son, Neil Kitchlu. To this, Nisha said, “Yes I did and I miss him the minute I’m back home.” Finally, a fan asked Nisha to open up about the moment she had held little Neil in her arms. In response to this, Nisha replied saying, “Grateful blessed blissed out.”
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A user also requested Nisha Aggarwal to share a picture of herself with Neil Kitchlu, and in response to her fan’s wish, she simply shared a picture of herself with her son, Ishaan Valecha and wrote, “Too soon for that! Here is me and Ishaan.” However, when another fan also made the same request of seeing Neil, the doting maasi shared a picture of a delicious cake after a user asked her, “Do you have Kajal’s son pic?” It was truly a dope reply from Nisha, and it won everyone’s heart.
On April 20, 2022, Gautam Kitchlu had posted a picture postcard confirming his and Kajal Aggarwal’s son, Neil Kitchlu’s birth, and soon the baby boy’s maasi, Nisha Aggarwal had also reshared the heartfelt message on her IG stories. Kajal’s sister and actress, Nisha had shared the postcard and had also written a lengthy note congratulating the newbie parents and had poured her heart out on the lovely couple. Check out Nisha’s post:
Well, we cannot wait to see a picture of Ishaan holding his cousin, Neil, in his arms! What about you? Let us know!
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