Kajal Aggarwal and hubby Gautam Kitchlu are soon going to be parents. Kajal, took to Instagram to share a heartfelt note for her husband and father-to-be. She thanked him for being there and wrote that their lives are going to change drastically. Her note read, Dear Husband, Thank you for being the greatest husband + to-be-dad a girl could ask for. Thank you for being so selfless, for waking up with me almost every night while I had ‘morning’ sickness, for camping out on the couch with me for weeks because it was the most comfy place for me to sleep, for immediately texting the doc and taking me to moms house to put my legs up during the braxton hicks contractions and never hesitating or making me feel bad, for always making sure I’m well fed, well hydrated + comfortable, for taking care of me and lastly for loving me through it all. Before our sweet baby comes, I want you to know how wonderful you are and that you will be an amazing father as well! ”
She added, “In the past 8 months, I have watched you become the most loving dad. I know how in love with this baby you are and how much you care already- it makes me feel so lucky that our baby will have a father who loves unconditionally, be there no matter what and have an extraordinary role model to look up to. ”
Kajal went on to write, “Our lives are going to change drastically, and I’m so grateful for that. We won’t have all the alone time we have now- we won’t be able to go to the movies every weekend, or lay around and sleep + binge watch shows, we probably won’t go out impromptu partying for a while or have as many date nights… BUT we will have a beautiful baby that will fill our hearts with so much joy. ”
She also wrote that it’s going to the best time of their lives. “There will be sleepless nights, times we feel sick, times we aren’t feeling ourselves, but this will also be the best time of our lives. Things will change but one thing will stay the same and that is how much I love you! I’m blessed to have you by my side for our greatest adventure yet. You are going to be the most terrific father and I love the life we live, ”concluded Kajal with a heart emoji.
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