Raj Mehta’s JugJugg Jeeyo starring Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Maniesh Paul, and Prajakta Koli released in theatres on 24th June, 2022 and opened to decent numbers on day 1 at the box office as it clocked Rs. 8.75 cr nett on day 1. The film got some sort of a start at the box office unlike most multiplex films this year, which were dead on arrival. The encouraging start on day 1 was followed by good growth on Saturday and Sunday, as the film recorded double-digit figures on both days with a Rs. 12 cr Saturday and a Rs. 14.75 cr Sunday, thus pushing the film’s weekend total to Rs. 35.50 cr nett.
The early estimates for JugJugg Jeeyo on Monday are pegged at around Rs. 4.70 cr nett, which is a decent result for a multiplex film catering to a niche clientele. The film is 45 percent down vis-à-vis its first day and generally, a hold of 55 percent of day 1 is considered good, though for a decent starter like JugJugg Jeeyo, a stronger hold was expected. While the premium multiplexes have continued to get footfalls, the other centers haven’t held as well as one would expect. All eyes are on how the film trends on its weekdays as it will suggest if the film can hold on the second weekend or not. The A centers comprising of Mumbai and Delhi have held better compared to B and C centers.
The four-day total of the film is around Rs. 40.20 cr nett and the film has already become the sixth highest-grossing Hindi film of the year, domestically, behind The Kashmir Files, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Gangubai Kathiawadi, Samrat Prithviraj, and Bachchhan Paandey. While it will cross Bachchhan Paandey over the weekdays, it is to be seen if it crosses Samrat Prithviraj or not. The film has done well overseas with a four-day overseas cume of around 2.60 million dollars.
The day-wise nett box office of JugJugg Jeeyo is as follows:-
Day 1 – Rs. 8.75 cr
Day 2 – Rs. 12 cr
Day 3 – Rs. 14.75 cr
Day 4 – Rs. 4.70 cr
Total: Rs. 40.20 cr
JugJugg Jeeyo, bankrolled by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, can be watched at a theatre near you.
Also read: EXCLUSIVE: Varun Dhawan on JugJugg Jeeyo plagiarism row: It has become a trend before release
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