Co-Stars Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan have been over the moon with the response to their film JugJugg Jeeyo’s trailer. Recently, they had gone to Chandigarh and New Delhi to promote the first song The Punjaabban Song ahead of its launch today. Now, Kiara and Varun have returned to Mumbai and well, at the airport, they looked excited about the upcoming song from their film. Both the JugJugg Jeeyo stars were spotted in casual attire as they returned to the city after promotions.
In the photos, we can see Varun and Kiara clad in trendy avatars. While Kiara kept it chic in a white maxi dress and a denim jacket, Varun was seen sporting a tee with pants. The two stars amped up their airport looks with accessories like shades and cap. The JugJugg Jeeyo stars were also seen goofing around with each other as they walked out of the airport. Varun and Kiara obliged the paps with photos as they headed home.
Have a look at Varun and Kiara’s photos:
Varun and Kiara’s Delhi and Chandigarh promotions for JugJugg Jeeyo
The film, JugJugg Jeeyo is all set to be released next month in theatres. Yesterday, Varun and Kiara went on a 2-city tour to pre-launch the first song from the film. Photos and videos from the Delhi and Chandigarh events took over the internet. Both Varun and Kiara danced their hearts out and pre-launched the song for a live audience. At the event, Varun also revealed how Kiara and he became good friends during the shoot of the film. He shared that Kiara took care of him during the shoot when he got COVID 19.
Talking about the film, it also stars Neetu Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Maniesh Paul and Prajakta Koli. It is directed by Raj Mehta and backed by Dharma Productions. It is all set to hit the screens on June 24, 2022.
Also Read|Karan Johar overwhelmed as Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan touch his feet, sing happy birthday with JJJ crew; WATCH
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