Jubin Nautiyal, who was hospitalised in Mumbai after an accident, recently shared pictures from his recovery break on social media. on December 1, the singer was rushed to the hospital after he had a fall from the stairs. In a statement, the representative said Nautiyal “broke his elbow, cracked his ribs and hurt his head” after the fall. The 33-year-old musician underwent surgery for his right arm and has been advised to not exert himself.
Now, while sharing his health updates, Jubin, on Instagram posted some pictures of himself from a mesmerizing location with the caption, “Recovery Break …See you guys soon.” As soon as the pictures were posted, the singer’s fans and industry friends chimed into the comment section. One of the users wrote, “Take care my dear…come back stronger and more amazing…will be missing u.”
He is discharged from the hospital and is doing fine now.
Jubin on road to recovery
Earlier, Jubin shared a photo from the hospital and informed that he is on the road to recovery and thanked fans for showering them with love and blessings. “Thank you all for your blessings. God was watching over me, and saved me in that fatal accident. I’ve got discharged and am recovering well. Thank you for your never ending love and warm prayers,” he tweeted.
Jubin performed in Dubai
In November end, Jubin performed at a live concert in Dubai. Talking about the same, Jubin said in a statement: “I always had a fulfilling experience performing for the warm crowd of Dubai. I am quite excited to perform there and be able to continue entertaining my fans.”
The singer further mentioned: “It will be a festive season in a few days and I couldn’t think of a better way in an attempt to begin the celebration and keep the festive spirits high and heal through music.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, singer Jubin has established himself as one of the frontrunners in the Indian music industry with global hits like ‘Raataan Lambiyaan’, ‘Lut Gaye’, ‘Humnava Mere’, and ‘Tujhe Kitne Chahne Lage Hum’, ‘Tum Hi Aana’ and ‘Bewafa Tera Masoon Chehra’. He has also come up with songs ‘Bana Sharabi’ from Vicky Kaushal-starrer ‘Govinda Naam Mera’ and ‘Yu Tere Hue Hum’ from Kajol-starrer ‘Salaam Venky’.
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